07 January 2010

mari mari belajar


Heheh… Harini che lapis nak share apa yg che lapis blaja dlm kls akp 202 tadi. (operational behavior)

Actually bnyk bnda yg diajar tadi, tapi che lapis tertarik dgn salah satu point yg diajar tadi. withdrawal behavior. Benda ni adalah tak elok utk diamalkan ye.. Withdrawal behavior ni terbahagi kpd 2 bhgn: psychological and physical withdrawal. Psychological withdrawal terdiri drpd 'daydreaming', 'socializing', 'looking busy', 'moonlighting', and 'cyberloafing'. Physical withdrawal plak terdiri drpd 'tardiness', 'long breaks', 'missing meeting', 'absenteeism', and 'quitting'.

This withdrawal behavior jugak relate ngan life kita as a student. Heheh. Tak caye? Jom check satu2.

Psychological Withdrawal: consists of actions that provide a mental escape from the work environment.

  1. Daydreaming- when an employee appears to be working but is actually distracted by random thoughts or concerns. (dlm bhsa mudahnya, berangan).
  2. Socializing- verbal chatting about non-work topics that goes on in cubicle and offices or at the mailbox or at the vending machines. (pantang nmpk orang, mesti dia nak tegur.tak kira sape.konon2 nak beramah mesra la.tapi at the end, satu keje pun tak jadi apa).
  3. Looking busy- an intentional desire on the part of the employee to look like he/she is working. (purak2 sibuk walhal dia takdela buat keje apa pun).
  4. Moonlighting- use work time & resources to complete something other then their job duties. (yg ni aku slalu buat. Contoh, stdy microprocessor dlm kelas bi.ngee..)
  5. Cyberloafing- using internet, e-mail, and IM access for their personal enjoyment rather than work duties. (lctrr tu cakap tadi, guna kemudahan internet yg disediakan oleh pihak uni utk tujuan hiburan pun tak boleh jugak.huhu..aku lagi la tu.)

Physical withdrawal: consist of actions that provide physical escape, whether for short or long term, from the work environment.

  1. Tardiness- tendency to arrive at work late (or leave work early.) kalau diaplikasikan dlm kehidupan pelajar, ia akn jadi tendency to come late to class or leave class early. err… aku penah buat ke bnda ni? hurmmmm….
  2. Long breaks- have longer-than-normal breaks time. (utk student, kesnya jadi-menambah2 masa cuti lebih lama dari yg sepatutnya. Heheh.. aku slalu je buat bnda ni. kui3..)
  3. Missing meeting- escape from meeting held during work.
  4. Absenteeism- employees miss an entire day of work. (kalau student-skip kelas la.well… yg ni pun aku biasa buat sebenarnya. Hik33…)
  5. Quitting- voluntarily leaving the organization.

Itu antara points yg menarik dlm kelas tadi sebab bnyk yg terkena kat batang idung sendiri. huk33…. Anda pula bagaimana? ^^,

*maklumat adalah diambil drpd buku organizational behavior-essential for improving performance and commitment by Colquitt/ LePine/ Wesson, terbitan McGraw-Hill.

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